Take part of our Bug Bounty Program 👨‍💻💰

2 min readFeb 24, 2022


As you well know Avacash.Finance is a fork of Tornado.cash in the Avalanche Blockchain, which means that we offer a fully decentralized protocol for private transactions with smart contracts audited by ABDK consulting.

For that reason, Avacash.Finance has the same security standard received from the Tornado.cash audits.

However, our platform goes to the next step. Avacash.Finance is introducing some cool innovations to allow the investments of anonymized funds.

We are proud to announce that these innovations are currently being audited by well-known audit firms like Immunebytes and Audit.sc. (they will be anounced very soon).

As we take very seriously the security and users experience to fulfill a complete private finance platform, we want to announce a Bug bounty program.

It’s focused on its smart contracts and web app for the purpose of making it a safe project for the people that are going to use our platform. That’s why we are going to reward those who find any potential error, bug, or exploit.

The period will be for 2 months starting now, and the reward pool will be 5,000 USD worth of $CASH tokens.

Start date: February, 24th 2022

Due date: April, 24th 2022

How can you participate?

📖 Rules :

  • Send an email with the format.
  • Not exploit the vulnerability in any way, including through making it public or by obtaining a profit.
  • Do not public the bug until it’s fixed.
  • Submit only one vulnerability per submission.
  • In case we receive duplicate reports of a specific vulnerability, only the first report is eligible for a reward.

💰 Rewards:

  • 5,000 USD worth of $CASH tokens (that will be bought the same day of the reward distribution) to share among bugs.
  • After the Bug Bounty program date finishes, we will publish the list of bugs and ponderate each bug, depending on its severity level weight:
    * Critical: 5
    * High: 3
    * Medium: 2
    * Low: 1
  • For example, if a person A finds a low bug, and a person B finds a critical bug, person B will receive 5 times what person A received.
  • Then, the pool will be shared among the prorated reported bugs.

🖊 Application

To apply for the bug bounty program you should send an email to info@avacash.finance and com@avacash.finance with the format below:

  • Your alias/nickname.
  • Title.
  • Description.
  • Reproducibility steps (with images if possible).
  • Classification level.
  • Solution proposed.
  • Your wallet to send Bug Bounty rewards.

You are all invited to take part of it and help us to improve. So don’t forget the rules, send us what you have founded, and you´ll be rewarded.


Do you want to learn more? Follow us on our social networks!

Website 🖥️
Telegram Official Channel ✈️
Telegram Announcements Channel 🛩️
Twitter 🐦
Reddit 🤖
Discord 🔊




Written by Avacash.Finance

Did you know that your entire Avalanche transaction history is public by default? Avacash.Finance invest your assets in DeFi protocols with 100% anonymity!

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