2 min readApr 25, 2022



To celebrate Avacash Finance privacy coin $CASH release, we are launching an event called $CASH RELEASE PARTY to giveaway a $SNOB reward worth $500 USD to Avacash Finance users.

Also all participants will earn $CASH token by using our anonymity vault.

The event will run from 14:00 on May 2nd, 2022 to 14:00 on May 6th, 2022 (UTC)

Activity 1: Promotion Giveaway. Total rewards 500 $CASH

During the promotion campaign period (the week before the main event), users who follow, like, retweet, and tag 3 friends in our tweet about the $CASH RELEASE PARTY, are eligible for a giveaway of 100 $CASH, per day.

Each day, we will pick the winner randomly using Twitterpicker app (or similar), users who complete the following requirements will be considered qualified users:

Account age of minimum 1 month

Latest tweet during the past month

Profile must have picture

Profile must have Description

Must follow @Avacash.Finance, liked, Retweet and tag 3 friends in tweet of the day.

Total winners: 5

Reward per winner: 100 $CASH

The winner will be chosen at the end of each day.

Activity 2: Main Event. $CASH RELEASE PARTY. Reward $SNOB worth $500

The total reward will be distributed as follows:

Tier 1 (1 AVAX ANONYMITY POOL): 1 Winner $50

Tier 2 (10 AVAX ANONYMITY POOL): 1 Winner $150

Tier 3 (100 AVAX ANONYMITY POOL): 1 Winner $300

The leaderboard will be updated every 24hr

The winner will be picked during the last days of the event, at unknown time to prevent last-minute deposits. We will take a snapshot which will be presented along with the announcement of the winners.

All deposits will generate $CASH according to our Anonymity Mining program (It is necessary to have minimum participants of 256 deposits in order to unlock the mining process). You can claim your tokens anytime, even after the event. Longer periods of locking will improve privacy and generate more rewards.

Click here for more information about our Anonymity Mining program.


-Winners of Activity 1 will be announced every day on Twitter and Telegram. Rewards will be dropped in the next 24hr after communication with the winner.

-Winners of Activity 2 will be announced on Twitter and Telegram, only using the first and last digits of the winning wallet addresses. Rewards will be dropped in the next 24hr after the announcement of the winners.

Good luck!




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